I’ve been busy with patching servers for George Bush’s latest fundraising effort for the Iraq war so I haven’t had much time to write about recent technology developments, but I did find a few hours to attend Ian Darwin’s great talk last night on provisioning IP phones, particularly the Nortel i2002/i2004 series of IP phones, with Asterisk.
getting my IBM Selectric repaired
a perspective on XML Services for VoIP Telephones
Last Wednesday I attended a talk at the Toronto Asterisk Users’ Group given by Hung Lam, Aastra‘s IP Product Portfolio Director, on the topic of developing XML-based services for Aastra’s IP telephones. It’s clear that Aastra is trying to compete with Cisco in the same space; Cisco’s Unified IP Phone portfolio includes support for their own XML-based information services. In fact, Aastra’s own XML dialect is based largely on the equivalent Cisco dialect.
I won’t go into details about Aastra’s offering in this space; hopefully TAUG will be able to procure Hung’s slides and put them up on its website to give a PowerPoint-style overview of Aastra’s feature set. (The XML Development Kit also includes extensive documentation and sample code for developers wishing to implement their own applications.) I only wanted to make a couple of observations, as follows. Continue reading
new cell phone activated
I decided to downgrade to a cheaper cell phone after looking over my bills for the last year or so. Previously, I was on Telus‘ Mike service, whose IDEN-based features I’d never used — the only person I knew who still owned an IDEN device was Meredith’s brother, but he ran over his phone with a tractor several months ago. Oops.
Looking at my bill, I was paying about $40/mo. for around 80 minutes of calls. This was insane! My per-minute rate worked out to about 50c/min., once you factored in the “Network Access Fee” (as though you have a choice as to whether to pay that) and taxes. I decided that getting a pay-as-you-go phone was the best alternative.
As a good engineer, I scoped out my requirements first, and did my research. Here’s a summary of my findings.
Company Name | Cost | Top-Up Details | Other Charges | Roaming | Call Display | Voicemail | Text Messaging |
President’s Choice Mobile | 20c per minute | $15 top up: provides up to 75 minutes of local calling, valid for 30 days; $25 top up: provides up to 125 minutes of local calling, valid for 60 days. | N/A | Need to coordinate 2+ weeks in advance and provide a credit/debit card | x | x | x |
Virgin Mobile | 25c per minute (on “Small” plan, i.e. $0 monthly fee) | $100 top-up expires in 365 days; $50 in 120; $25 in 49; $15 in 45 | N/A | No roaming possible | x | x | x (15c per message sent) |
Telus | 25c, 33c or 40c a minute | $50 top-up expires in 60 days; $25 in 60; $10 in 30 | N/A | unclear | x | $10/mo (SPARK10) | only with SPARK |
Rogers | 25c to 39c a minute | minimum $10-$30 top-up every month | 911 access charge each month | Roaming in US for $2.49/minute | unclear | x (but billed for each minute of a message too) | x (15c per message sent) |
Fido | 20c per minute with >=$20 top-up; otherwise 30c a minute | $50 top-up expires in 60 days; $30, $20 and $10 expire in 30 | 50c 9-1-1 charge every month | Roaming not available (only with monthly invoice packages) | x | $5/mo | x (15c per message sent, but it’s not explicit that SMS is included) |
Bell Mobility | 30¢/minute for the first 2 minutes and 5¢/minute for the rest of the call | $25 card expires in 60 days; $15 card expires in 30 days | $3.95/mo system access fee + $1.00/mo 9-1-1 fee | only with automatic top-up | no | up to 3 one-minute messages | no |
You can see that there is quite a high variance between the various prepaid mobile providers out there. Some of them, like Bell, even charge you the same Network Access Fee even though you’re on a prepaid plan! I decided that my requirements were:
- No network access fees or extra (e.g. 911) fees
- Reasonable per-minute rate – no weird variations like Telus has
- Possible to roam in the United States
- Text messaging, for a cost, of course
- Bundled voice mail
- Call display
Based on these requirements, I selected President’s Choice Mobile and bought a new Nokia 2855i phone — much lighter than my old Motorola i90c, and it has a colour screen and Bluetooth too! I’m very happy both with the phone and the service from PC. One amusing fact: PC farms out the actual work to Bell, but if you were to get a pay-as-you-go service from Bell, they’d charge you $3.95/mo. for a system access fee, plus $1.00/mo. for a 9-1-1 access fee! PC Mobility has no such gouging — plus it’s more feature-rich (call display, bundled voice mail, etc.)
The best part is that since the phone is functionally the same as a Bell phone, I get even better reception within the CBC Broadcast Centre than I did with a Telus phone, and I can still send e-mail to the phone by specifying phone-number@txt.bellmobility.ca.
I’m very happy with my choice and I can definitely recommend PC Mobility for low-volume cellphone users. Oh – and if you’re interested in an old IDEN phone – I’m selling mine :-).
NetBSD 3.1 on an SGI Indy
On the other end of the spectrum from my last post, I decided this evening to install NetBSD 3.1 on the SGI Indy that fellow BSD user Jeff Buan gave me a few months ago. This system would have cost an obscene amount of money back in the day (1993) but now, it’s probably worth about $10. These boxes are pretty close to as rock-bottom as you can get these days:
mainbus0 (root): SGI-IP22 [SGI, 690887b5], 1 processor int0 at mainbus0 addr 0x1fbd9880: bus 66MHz, CPU 133MHz
Jeff had problems giving it away until I took it as a challenge 🙂
Speaking of challenges (pun intended), the last time I tried to install anything on an SGI server, the victim box was an SGI Challenge L — a 200kg fridge-sized monster that my friend Naveen had muscled from the Department of Astrophysics at U of T. It required a 220V power converter that he ended up buying from the House of 220, and a custom-soldered RS-422 serial cable to get on the console. I hoped the Indy would be easier to set up.
A Review of SuSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10
I’m writing this entry under SuSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED) 10, which I recently installed on my CBC-issued ThinkPad T42. The laptop came with Windows XP installed, which I decided to retain in a dual-boot configuration, because there are still certain tools at CBC (like our antiquated Visual Basic-based “Guests & Boardrooms†booking system) that still require Windows. I did manage to get Remedy ARS to run properly under Wine, however (the latest version, 0.9.28, that is; earlier versions had weird problems rendering dropdowns).
I decided to evaluate SLED because of a number of reasons:
- I am fairly satisfied with my OpenSuSE-based CBC-issued desktop, and wanted to see what a “vendor-supported†branch of OpenSuSE would look like;
- Novell Client for Linux is only officially supported under SLED, although I have it installed under OpenSuSE, with some hackery (like --force and --nodeps manual installation of RPMs);
- There is a rumour flying about the IT grapevine that in the not-too-distant future, CBC will be converting many of its desktops to run SLED.
My expectations for SLED were somewhat low. Although I fully expected everything to work as advertised in the product literature, I worried that the feature set would lag behind the cutting-edge by at least twelve months, as is the norm with RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). For example, I was surprised to see a 2.6.16.x Linux kernel; had I installed RHEL, I would probably be running a 2.4.x kernel.
I decided to put SLED through the paces by trying out a few things that it advertises as working, but with which I’ve had problems in the past:
- stable wireless networking
- wireless networking with WPA2-PSK encryption for my home
- NovellVPN client which purportedly talks to Nortel Contivity VPN concentrators (used at CBC)
- NetworkManager for switching connection profiles
- suspend/resume to disk
- Evolution connectivity to Groupwise servers using the Groupwise SOAP interface
- On-board Intel modem
Finally, I wanted to play around with the Xgl display effects, and to see how well that worked (and whether it looks as nifty as my colleagues claim)
I have to say that after a couple of weeks of using SLED that I’m very impressed. This is perhaps the nicest-looking Linux distribution I’ve ever used, and everything does “just workâ€. Wireless networking is stable and functional, which is absolutely unprecedented for me under Linux. The NovellVPN client does in fact talk to CBC’s Contivity VPN with no problems. And all the problems that have plagued NetworkManager in the past seem to have disappeared. Connection profile switching is as seamless as Mac OS X, which is more than can be said for the IBM Access Connections hackery that is required under Windows.
There’s only one challenge remaining for me, and that’s to see if I can get PPTP working under SLED. This is because the CBC in-building wireless network requires it; association to the AP requires no authentication or encryption, but in order to get onto the BAN, a PPTP VPN connection through a Bluesocket concentrator must be made. I’ll keep you all posted as to my progress!
And yes, the Xgl desktop effects are very nifty — but my laptop’s video card is woefully underpowered, so sometimes X fails to start with Xgl turned on. However, on a desktop machine with a decent video card, I’m sure they would perform perfectly.
rebuilding the FreeBSD file server
I finally took an evening to upgrade my aging Compaq AP550 fileserver (FreeBSD 4.11-STABLE) to FreeBSD 6.x. Even with some good planning (as any good IT person should do), there were still a few problems. Continue reading
Interwoven Product Generator Matrix
There’s a lot going on at work these days, much of it centred around a cleanup of our legacy infrastructure and fixing some longstanding problems, but I thought I’d take some time to introduce my Interwoven Product Naming Matrix! Simply pick a word from Column A, add another word from Column B, and optionally choose a suffix from Column C, and presto — you have Yet Another Interwoven Product ™. Enjoy!
Column A | Column B | Column C |
Content | Annotate | MP |
Control | API | Professional |
Data | Bin | SDK |
Desk | Center | Standard |
Forms | Code | Workgroup Edition |
Front | Deploy | |
Live | Hub | |
Media | Office | |
Meta | Portal | |
Open | Publisher | |
Sales | Services | |
Team | Site | |
Visual | Syndicate | |
Work | Tagger | |
TemplateBuilder | ||
Government of Canada to override CRTC on VoIP regulation
As many of my regular readers know, I’m an open-source VoIP hobbyist, and as such, I’m a "member" of the Toronto Asterisk Users’ Group (I use the quotations because the group does not have membership requirements nor is it a formal organization per se). One of the hot topics recently on the TAUG mailing list was the Government of Canada’s recent decision to override the CRTC‘s position that VoIP is a telephony service and should be regulated as such.
The CRTC has traditionally regulated telephone companies and set minimum pricing on services such as land lines and DSL so that the incumbent carriers like Bell Canada cannot use predatory pricing to drive non-incumbent firms out of business, only to raise those prices later when the marketplace has been clear-cut. Now that the government has proposed to override the commission, VoIP service will become a free-for-all, with hobbyist and startup VoIP providers like Unlimitel and AtlasVoice getting squeezed by the incumbents for large commercial deployments.
This is bad news for VoIP telephony in Canada and will greatly reduce consumer choice, except for those consumers, such as hobbyists, who are willing to take an "anything but Bell" attitude. The government’s actions in overriding the CRTC’s fair and thorough process aimed at protecting consumers is a blatant demonstration that it is pro-big-business to the exclusion of all other factors. (That process, by the way, arrived twice at the outcome that VoIP should be regulated like regular telephony, despite a Conservative government Privy Council Order which attempted to pressure them into reconsidering their original decision.)
It’s a shame that this particular issue is too esoteric for the mainstream press to cover, but I think it’s very much a bellwether for how the government plans to treat other emerging technology trends that threaten traditional big-business hegemony.
good in the aftermath of bad
Popular political scientist Thomas Homer-Dixon was on CBC Radio One’s The Current this morning discussing his new book, The Upside of Down. His work warns of the potential downfall of Western civilization along the lines of the demise of the Roman Empire. Although this might seem like a very gloomy topic, he makes the key point that out of catastrophe can often come good, and describes, for example, 9/11 as a squandered opportunity to, for example, reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil. But I’m getting sidetracked — and this is a journal about technology, after all, not politics. Continue reading